Now the company wants a technical person for the CEO post
When it comes to selecting a company's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), we are narrowly selecting him. If we look at the last 20 years in the world, it is found that the person who is in the top position of any company is given more priority in the CEO.
If the CEO has to be appointed, then the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO) are preferred.
However, the recent radical change in technology and the transformation brought by it has brought about a change in the mode of CEO appointment.
A study has shown that especially after the Covid-19, technical people are the most preferred choice of companies.
In this way, people who have worked as Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer are seen as candidates for CEO, a vivid example of which is Parag Agarwal, CEO of Twitter.
Parag Agarwal was working as CTO in the company before being appointed CEO of the company. He was working as the CTO of the company since 2017.
Microsoft's Satya Nadella is another example. He was appointed as CEO by the company, who was leading the cloud and enterprise section of the company's computing platform.
Similarly, Pat Glensinger, who was working as CTO in the company, was appointed by Intel as the CEO of the company.
IBM has also found the same way. Arvind Kruna, who has led technology for 20 years in various companies, has been appointed as CEO by the company.
Technology-related companies are not the only ones appointing technologists as CEOs.
According to the study, it has been found that the external sector is gradually giving more priority to the technical sector than the technical sector, one example of which is 'Weber'.
The grill manufacturing company has appointed Alan Matula, who previously served as CTO, as the CEO of the company.
The study has mentioned that Weber and many other companies that are not related to technology are appointing a technician as the CEO of the company.
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