Types of cancer and their symptoms Skip to main content

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Types of cancer and their symptoms

Types of cancer and their symptoms

As soon as the name 'Cancer' is heard, an atmosphere of fear is created in the heart and mind, because the cure for the corona virus can be found in time, but the cure for cancer has not been found till date and it will hardly ever be found now, but if the information And with proper treatment it can be completely controlled

What is cancer?

The human body is made up of countless cells, i.e. cells, and these cells are constantly dividing. This is a normal process and the body has complete control over it. But sometimes when the body's control over the cells of a particular part of the body deteriorates and the cells start growing uncontrollably, it is called cancer.

How does cancer start?

In the human body, when the genes of the cells start to change, then cancer begins. It is not the case that there are changes in the genes due to any particular reason, it can also change itself or it can happen due to other reasons, such as consuming intoxicants like gutka-tobacco, ultraviolet rays or radiation etc. Can be responsible for this.

Mostly it has been seen that cancer destroys the immunity or immune system cells in the body, but sometimes the immune system is not able to withstand the cancer cells and the person gets an incurable disease like cancer.

As the cancerous cells continue to grow in the body, a tumor or a kind of lump is emerging. If it is not treated on time, it spreads throughout the body.

How many types of cancer are there?

Doctors and researchers believe that there are more than 200 types of cancer and therefore their symptoms are also different. But in this article we will talk about only those cancers that have made people their victims very fast. Let's know what are the types of cancer -

Blood cancer

Among the fastest growing cancers in people, blood cancer is at the forefront. In this cancer, cancer starts to develop in the blood cells of the person's body, and due to this, the body lacks blood and the cancer starts to infect the body very quickly.

Lung cancer

In lung cancer, the condition of the person becomes very miserable and worse. Its main symptoms are difficulty in breathing, mucus clotting problem, unaccountable pain in bones and joints and loss of appetite. There is a feeling of heavy weakness in the body. Tired all the time for no reason. The cause of lung cancer is smoking.

Brain cancer

Brain cancer develops in the head part of a person. Another name for brain cancer is brain tumor. A tumor or a lump forms in the brain of a cancer patient and this lump starts to grow with time and gradually spreads throughout the brain.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer or what is also called breast cancer, it happens especially to women, but it does not mean that it cannot happen to men. A kind of lump starts forming in the breast of women suffering from this cancer, which gradually starts growing with time. If you want to avoid this, then get regular breast checkups.

Skin cancer

Cases of skin cancer or skin cancer have also come up very fast in the country. Doctors say that skin cancer develops in the body due to staying in too much heat, not eating properly and not doing zero physical activity. Skin cancer can happen to people of any age.

What should be done?

What to do and what not to do in case of cancer is a problem, but first of all, we tell you what to do. Go to your nearest hospital and consult a doctor. Some tests are required to know the cancer and its stage and based on that the doctor treats the patient further –


The CBC test does not give definite information about cancer, but it can be known in which direction to take further treatment. The cost of this test is only 400 rupees.

WBC or white blood cells work like a protector in our body. It protects the body from diseases. In the body of a normal and healthy person, their number is from 4 thousand to 11 thousand in 1 cubic ml of blood.

CT scan and MRI

If the report does not improve even after treatment after correct and accurate CBC test, the doctor advises the patient to undergo CT scan and MRI. The cost of CT scan and MRI starts from around 5 thousand to 7 thousand.

Hemoglobin test

Hemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen in the human body. If someone's age is more than 60, then the amount of hemoglobin in his body should not be below 10 and if the age is less than 60 years, then the amount of hemoglobin should be between 14 to 17 in men and 12 to 15 in women. If the hemoglobin is less or more than the scale, contact the doctor immediately.


It is a suitable test to determine the possibility of cancer. In a biopsy, a sample is taken from the patient's body. By the way, most of the time it can be a tumor, but the sample confirms whether the cells in the tumor are cancerous or not. The cost of biopsy is between 5 thousand to 7 thousand.

Cancer is a disease that gradually grows in our body and takes a terrible form with time, but if its symptoms are recognized on time, it can be overcome.

Cancer treatment and cancer fighting diet

Cancer is a disease that can be prevented if caught in time, but people see it as an incurable and deadly disease. Aspects of our society whether it is media, movies or literature, cancer has been termed as a deadly disease, but the truth is that not everything seen on TV or advertisements is true.

Many techniques have been added to modern medicine for the treatment of cancer, which have not only increased the success rate but also improved the quality of life after treatment.

 There have been many changes in treatment

People who do not have medical knowledge or who are not connected to the medical field, even today they only know about a few techniques in the treatment of cancer such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery etc. But today, apart from these, cancer is being successfully treated with other techniques.

 Chemo id therapy

This therapy works according to the patient, that is, every patient is different, so his treatment should be different. The patient's cancer cells are taken for examination and those cells are used as stem cells. After this, the chemo drugs examine its cells to get better results and then the medicine that is made is given to the patient. The advantages of this therapy are that it -

Protects patients from hits and trails.

Hits and trails save money.

 There is no pain due to hits and trails.

 The results have improved.

 Time is saved for both the patient and the doctor.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy was not considered much better and it was considered risky. It was said about radiation therapy that it affects the cancer cells as well as damages the healthy cells of the body. Modern medical technology has introduced pin point position technology, completely rejecting all misconceptions. This technology sealed the fact that only cancer cells will be eliminated with radiation therapy and it will not have any side effects.

 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

This technique, known as IMRT, is also available through modern medicine, in which linear acceleration and appropriate radiation are applied to the patient's cancer under computer control. This technology has gone a step further and made sure that along with killing the cancer cells, it will provide protection in such a way that the cells around the cancer will not be affected. This technique is used to treat prostate cancer, brain cancer and neck cancer.

 Image Guided Radiation Therapy

Image-guided radiation therapy, also known as IMGT, detects the movement of cancer in the body, its size, and if the cancer is growing. After identifying the cancer, it does its work precisely according to its size and its growth rate, due to which other healthy and normal cells are not harmed. This therapy has been successfully used for lung cancer, liver cancer and prostate cancer.

 Three-dimensional conformational radiation therapy

In this therapy, a machine is used which is known as wide-bore CT simulator in medical terms. This machine is also used for onchoridology. It helps doctors make a three-dimensional map of the cancer and the cells around it, making the work easier.

 High-dose rate

There is a modern medical technique to prevent cancer, which is known as high-dose rate. It uses a catheter to kill cancer cells with radiation, which gives direct radiation to the cancer.

 Cancer fighting diet

If a disease like cancer is not given timely attention, then cancer proves to be an incurable disease and then even doctors become helpless. Regardless of the type of cancer, proper diet plays an important role in fighting cancer. What are the foods, which can be included in the diet to fight cancer -


Broccoli is one such vegetable that has the ability to protect against cancer. Broccoli contains glucosinolates that produce protective enzymes in the body. This enzyme has a property called sulforaphane, which removes the effective toxins of cancer from the body.


Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene and this lycopene property prevents the growth of endometrial cancer cells, so that cancer cannot grow in the body.


Ginger has properties that are helpful in breaking cancer. Along with antioxidants, ginger has anti-toxin properties that work to inhibit cancer cells. Ginger is helpful in prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer and stomach cancer. Ginger greatly reduces the discomfort caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy during cancer treatment.


Everyone knows how effective turmeric is. If you want to clean the body from the external injury to the dirt inside the body, then the use of turmeric is advised. Curcumin chemical is found in turmeric, which has the ability to eliminate cancer cells from the surface and by consuming turmeric, cancer cannot increase its range.


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