Why is the feeling of insecurity in children, know the solution Skip to main content

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Why is the feeling of insecurity in children, know the solution

Why is the feeling of insecurity in children, know the solution

Children's heart is very soft, whatever is taught and explained to them, they soon take it into their hearts and minds. Just as children take good things into their hearts, so children soon take some bad things and other safety-related things into their hearts. Today we will talk about the security and negative emotions that sit in the hearts of children and have a profound effect on their future and present situations.

What is the feeling of insecurity?

If seen from the point of view of experts, the feeling of insecurity in children arises due to lack of confidence in them. If understood in a general sense, then security can be about anything in children's hearts and minds. Such as connecting with someone, talking to someone, moving according to the environment around you, feeling more insecure about your future, feeling more safe and fearful about your bad or bad habits, etc. According to experts, all kinds of feelings of security arise in the hearts of children when there are some other social situations going on around them or there are some such stressful situations that have a wrong effect on their brains or they feel insecure. Lagte Ho.

Different types of insecurity and ways to overcome them

There are many different types of anti-social elements involved in child safety and security, some of the main elements of which we are going to tell you in detail here:-

Insecurities due to soul belief:-

The feeling of insecurity in children is also due to the lack of confidence. Childhood is a period in which both their mind and body are progressing towards development. At such a time, if their confidence decreases, then the feeling of insecurity starts to arise in their heart and mind. After the age of 3, when the child starts going to school for the first time, there are many things in his life that he does for the first time, which causes fear in his heart and a sense of security. In this way, when it is time for him to learn some new things, he starts moving towards insecurity due to not getting the right direction and a safe feeling at that time.

Ways to overcome lack of self-confidence:-

If your child lacks confidence due to which a feeling of insecurity is arising in his heart and mind. So you should understand the problem inside your child and find the right solution soon. You should find out why your child lacks confidence. You should talk to your child about this and explain it to him with love so that he can tell you what is in his heart and find a solution to his problem in time to end the fear of safety in his heart forever. can do

Additional security for strangers:-

In our society, children are taught that they should not meet strangers or take anything from them. In such a way, when they slowly start leaving home and start their school, at that time they face many strangers like teachers, school staff, etc. Some children are comfortable with interacting with them, but some children have a reluctance to interact with such people. Due to which they start to feel safe by seeing the environment around them. There are many kinds of questions in the hearts of children about strangers, if the right answers and proper guidance are not given to them, then another sense of security is created in their hearts and minds about strangers, which remains for a long time. lives

Correct way to remove its security:-

It is true that when a child meets some new people, he does not get along with them quickly. In this way, only those people whom the child trusts completely can guide the children. His parents are the first among his confidants. In such a case, the most important duty of the parents is that if they take them for something new, like a new school, a new environment, then prepare them beforehand. The first duty of the parents should be to inform them in advance about the persons present in the school or any new place and to provide them with the right guidance and to identify them as best as possible. So that the child can feel a safe environment by removing the feeling of insecurity from within.

The surrounding environment also creates a feeling of insecurity:-

A small child is affected by the environment of his home before the social elements, due to which his mind starts to develop and also perceives all the things that happen in the house. The feeling of insecurity in children firstly depends on the environment of their home, how good or bad the environment of their home is. If the parents or other members of the house create an atmosphere of discord and abuse in the house, then those things leave a very deep impact on the hearts and minds of the children. In this way, when the child starts leaving the house and sees an environment like his home, he starts feeling insecure. Somewhere, the feeling of insecurity starts to arise in his heart and mind, which can lead to depression. Seeing such a disturbed environment at home, the child often takes wrong steps in his life and goes on the wrong path. No matter how much he grows up and wise, but a sense of insecurity always remains on his heart and mind.

Make the home environment safe:-

If any kind of fear and sense of security is arising in your child's heart and mind, then first of all, you must find out the reason. You have to improve the environment of your home. If you are not able to do this, then provide the child with an environment where he can stay away from such an environment and feel safe in a new environment. Because if a child is not able to feel safe in the environment of his home, then he will not be ready to mix in any new environment.

Insecurity of becoming a failure:-

Sometimes we challenge the children's confidence in the race to make them better and more capable than other children, due to which more security is created in their hearts and minds to avoid failure. What kind of fear sits inside the child, because of which he always thinks that he might fail and in the effort to become better, he starts taking some wrong steps. Due to which there is always a fear in his heart and mind that if he does not do well then he will fail. Some negative feelings are created in the child due to which even if he wants to do something good and better, he does it wrong. This feeling can prove very dangerous for the future of any child because he always tries to be perfect and hurts his self-confidence and sometimes it has a negative effect due to which he becomes overconfident. becomes

Avoid becoming overconfident:-

There are some fears in the hearts and minds of children due to which they gradually become overconfident. The result of this is that they are not able to achieve anything in life but they completely spoil everything they do. In such a case, the first duty of the parents is to never ask him to move ahead of any other classmate or friend. Rather, every work done by them should be appreciated by parents and teachers so that they keep trying to do better than what they do. A child should never be made to feel that he is weaker than anyone or that he is not capable of doing anything. In order to explain anything, one should always talk to him with love and inculcate in his mind that whatever he does, he is doing very well and he should always try to do better than that. He should be prepared as a competitor for anything but he should make it clear that he has to do well on his own basis and not participate in the competition to get ahead of others.


Loneliness is also called a different type of insecurity. Parents are engaged in earning day and night in order to improve the life of their child, due to which if a child lives in a single family, he becomes lonely due to the absence of parents at home. There are some anti-social elements in the society due to which the child feels lonely and insecure. A child can fully explain the situations going on in his heart and mind only in front of his parents. But when his parents are not present with him at home, then that child is not able to talk openly with anyone. Due to which, the feeling of insecurity starts to arise in his heart and mind, which gradually takes a long-term form, which can completely spoil his future. Being alone at home, the child often spends most of his time with TV or other anti-social elements, due to which a sense of security and safety settles in his heart. He sees or understands, he takes it in his mind because he does not get a proper guidance, due to which he puts his thoughts first and acts accordingly.

Solution to overcome this problem:-

If you leave your child alone during his development, it is inevitable that he will gradually move away from you and fall into another deep hole of security. In such a way, it becomes the duty of any one of the parents to leave their busy routine and spend more than half of their time with their children so that they can feel happy in conveying their heart to you. A little bit of your time can help in giving them a golden future by pulling them out of the deep pit of future and security.

A traumatic life event:-

There are many ups and downs in life which an adult person can easily face but the biggest effect of that incident is on children. These events can be of many types such as divorce of parents, bankruptcy of a family member, mistreatment of a family member, seeing an atmosphere of violence in the family, feeling an atmosphere of tension around you, etc. There are many reasons due to which children are influenced wrongly, and their entire lives are destroyed because they develop a sense of security within themselves, which lasts into their future as long as they are guided properly. not be provided.

Explain the correct way to deal with accidents:-

If there has been a tragic accident in your life due to which your children have also had a profound impact. That little thing has a very wrong effect on his heart and mind due to which he starts to feel more secure. I spent time sitting with him and lovingly explained everything to him. Apart from this, you can also take your child out of that environment and take him to an environment that is also happy for him and in which he will quickly dissolve and forget all his old things and start a new life. could With this step, you can take away the feeling of insecurity for the rest of your child's life.

A child's better development takes place only in the hands of his parents. If he lives in a joint family, the other members of the family also contribute significantly to his development, but the parents have to perform the important duty. In such a situation, it is very important for parents to take care that no unsafe anti-social element of their life can hurt them. Because a small mistake in the days of children's development can spoil the future of those children. If once the feeling of insecurity settles in the heart and mind of a child, it becomes impossible to remove it from his heart and mind for the rest of his life.


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