Benefits and harms of dieting Skip to main content

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Benefits and harms of dieting

Benefits and harms of dieting

Never do dieting without consulting an expert, and keep in mind that dieting is not about being hungry. Whenever a person thinks about dieting, the first question that comes to his mind is whether dieting is good for health or there are any disadvantages. Will it have any side effects on our health or will it only have a temporary effect, as many questions remain in our minds.

Many people have this question in their mind, whether he should do dieting, is it right for him. There is always one answer to this that it depends on you, on your body structure, on your health, on your weight. Some do dieting to lose weight, some do exercise, some do both. It is important that you lose weight, but even more important is how you lose weight. For those who are dieting, it should be kept in mind that they should never eat less than 70Kg or more than 100Kg. By the way, dieting has many benefits, but if dieting is not done correctly, it can also cause harm.

Advantages Of Dieting:

When you diet, your habit of eating extras (such as untimely breakfast, chips, samosas and many junk foods etc.) is reduced. These are the extra things that make you gain weight faster.

Calories are not increased in the body, which leads to rapid weight loss.

When you are dieting, your personality includes habits like patience and consistency.

You have to self-control yourself.

The biggest benefit of dieting is weight loss.

As long as dieting is done within a limit, it keeps the person fresh. You always feel refreshed and stress is reduced.

If you do dieting, your health will be correct and your heart will be healthy, and you will be protected from other diseases.

If you diet, cholesterol in your body remains correct.

If you do exercise along with dieting, then you always remain active and laziness is far away from you.

If you do dieting, then the level of sugar in your blood remains correct. Which keeps blood sugar low.

Blood pressure is low.

Proper dieting gives energy.

By taking a balanced diet, all the nutrients in the body remain in the right amount.

Circumcision reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Disadvantages Of Dieting:

Hair starts to fall out - You will notice that during dieting, hair starts to fall out more. This happens because the body does not get enough nutrients. Due to which the hair becomes weak and starts falling.

Memory becomes weak - In this research, it has also been found that women who are dieting, their memory becomes weak, and they also start giving late reactions to anything.

The amount of water deteriorates - even if we drink a lot of water during dieting, but even then it is not in the normal amount in the body, because food is needed to absorb water, after which digestion is also good. So then pain and other problems start happening in the body.

Blood pressure is reduced - By taking less carbohydrates, the body does not have energy. At the same time, the sugar in the body is also reduced, due to which the blood pressure starts to decrease and along with the weakness, there is also difficulty in breathing.

Toothache and other related problems also occur due to weakness. The teeth keep grinding.

When you are dieting, your body's metabolism is reduced, due to which your body weight suddenly starts to increase. Metabolism is reduced by not getting enough nutrients, which has the opposite effect on eating anything.

When you are dieting, you feel a little weak in a short time.

If you do not follow dieting after losing weight through dieting, then your weight increases even more.

If you are dieting then you will feel hungry every now and then.

The problem of dehydration increases because the body loses sodium due to dieting.

If a person becomes too serious about dieting, he will always become a victim of depression. Taking less carbohydrates and sugar reduces the level of serotonin in the body, it is the happy hormone of our body, which keeps the mind happy. Its decrease means an increase in stress in the body.

Irritability remains, head remains heavy, dizziness begins.

After doing physical work, one starts feeling tired quickly.

Immunity is low, even minor infections in the body start to have an early effect.

Feels lazy, sleepy.

So as you can see, dieting has more harm than good. Dieting should be done correctly on the doctor's advice. It is done correctly according to the proper plan, then it shows its best effect. Today's girls run away from dieting because of the looks of others. This should not be done, not everyone's body is ready for dieting.


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