How much fat does the body need? | What is found in cow's milk? Skip to main content

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How much fat does the body need? | What is found in cow's milk?

How much fat does the body need?

Many people worry about reducing body fat. Many people think that fat is harmful for the body.

While fat is one of the most important nutrients in the body. So what does fat do in the body? How does it work? How much fat is necessary for the body? What is its source?

Fat is essential for providing energy to the body. One gram of fat provides energy equal to nine kilograms of calories. In the metabolic process going on in our stomach, fat absorbs vitamins and minerals. Vitamins like vitamin A, D, K can be absorbed by the body only if there is fat. When there is a lack of fat, the body cannot absorb vitamins.

Fat also acts as insulation in the body. Therefore, in case of any kind of shock or accident, it protects the important body parts as an insulator. Eating fat mixed with carbohydrates is even more health-promoting. Healthy fats not only help you stay healthy, but also help fight malnutrition.

Fat stays in the liver. Lipase group enzymes produced by the body digest fat. Which affects the enzyme if the body eats more than it needs. Fat increases when there is a disturbance in the liver, pancreas and enzymes.

How much fat is necessary for the body?

In Nepal, there is no concrete data that shows that the body needs so much fat. Because the climate and lifestyle are similar here and in India, the same data is used as a basis. How much fat the body needs depends on the caloric needs of the person. In general, a healthy adult needs 15 to 35 percent fat per day. Saturated fat should be less than 10 percent of total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids 6-10 percent, trans fat less than 1 percent per day.

According to the labor or physical activity of an adult, the body demands fat. A person who does only light work during the day needs only 25 grams of saturated fat. Similarly, 30 grams for moderate work and 40 grams for those who lift heavy weights are needed per day.

Similarly, in the case of women, it is a little different. A woman who does light work needs 20 grams, a woman who does moderate work needs 25 grams, and a woman who does heavy work needs 30 grams of visible fat. If there is a disease in the body, the amount of fat should be determined accordingly.

Types of Fats

Oily substances and ghee that can be seen by the eyes are called visible fats. Carbohydrates, vegetables and meat contain fat, but it is not directly visible to the eye. This is called invisible fat.

These fats are mainly of three types, saturated, unsaturated and trans fat.

Saturated fat

Any source of oil or ghee that solidifies at room temperature. which is obtained from animal sources. Like, milk, meat and ghee. Increasing the consumption of coagulating fatty substances leads to blockage or clotting of the blood vessels. Which affects blood circulation and causes heart disease. That is why it is considered bad.

Unsaturated fat

A source of fat that remains liquid even at room temperature is called oil. Which is considered good from the point of view of health. Vegetable oils such as mustard, coconut, olive, soybean and sunflower oils are among the unsaturated oils.


Deep fried food and oil both contain trans fat which is harmful to health. Its use increases cholesterol and causes heart problems. Trans fat is also present in some amount in meat. Which does not affect the health when used in small amounts.

Which oil to eat, how much to eat?

A mixed type of vegetable oil can be used. It is seen in many families that use the same oil for years. But oil should be consumed in a change. For example, if you eat mustard oil for 15 days, you can eat soybean, olive or sunflower oil for 15 days. By eating all types of oil, we get the benefits of all plants. Some contain monounsaturated fatty acids and some contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, any oil is not full of rich elements, which is considered good from the health point of view to eat while changing the oil.

A person can use only half a liter of oil or ghee in a month. A family of four should use two liters of oil per month.

Vegetable oil, soybean, coconut oil, walnuts, almonds and almonds do not contain cholesterol. Oil companies claim that it contains 0.5 percent cholesterol. But it depends on the country. It seems that this is only for publicity. Likewise, animal products such as fish, meat, curd, and milk contain cholesterol.

What happens when there is a lack of fat?

When there is a lack of fat in the body, the person becomes malnourished and the body becomes weak. Not only that, the lack of fat does not allow the body to absorb the vitamins it needs. Which causes problems such as blindness, red blindness, and more infections due to lack of vitamin A. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone problems, a lack of vitamin E can cause infertility, and a lack of vitamin K can cause bleeding if a cut starts somewhere, which can be life-threatening.

Thin people have less body fat and less insulin, which is why such people have more colds. In obese people, colds are less due to more fat content. Cholesterol comes from meat products. If vegetable oil is used repeatedly, it becomes transfat. It increases the bad cholesterol that causes heart disease and stroke. And, the level of good cholesterol that the body needs can decrease.

Accumulation of excess fat in the body is very harmful. Nowadays, there is a lot of obesity problem in teenagers and young people. This problem is more visible in adopting a luxurious lifestyle. The main reason for which is lack of physical activity, sitting in front of the computer for hours, not doing exercise-yoga, watching TV for hours, paying attention only to mobile phones even during free time. Apart from this, the consumption of junk food, sweets, fatty and refined food, fast food and cold drinks in the food starts accumulating excess fat in the body.

The source of fat in Nepal seems to be better than in some other countries. But our cooking method is not good. Culinary methods of developed countries are better. They eat a lot of simple, processed food. But since we eat a lot of tarry food and reuse the oil, it is not good for health. Ghee, oil, butter and cheese are all good from the point of view of health, but consuming more than necessary means causing harm.

What is found in cow's milk?

Milk is a drink that people drink with eyes closed for taste and nutrition. Especially cow's milk is the favorite drink of people.

No other animal except man eats the milk of another animal. But humans have been consuming cow's milk for a long time. We are hearing a lot that cow's milk is very good for our health. Based on what we heard, we eat cow's milk with confidence. But is cow's milk really like nectar for us?

What nutrients are found in it? A conversation with nutritionist Arem Karki about how much and when to eat cattle milk:

It is recommended to eat cow's milk to stay healthy. In particular, what nutrients are found in cattle milk?

The first food that mammals eat is milk. Every nutrient required for the development of a child is found in milk. Vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, fat, protein and other nutrients increase the body's ability to fight disease. Milk is very important for physical development.

Even in milk, unpasteurized milk is still nutritious. Nature itself has made that extra milk to give to the baby. Therefore, mother's colostrum is important for the baby and cow's colostrum is important for their baby.

Such nutrients can be obtained from the milk of cattle of which breed or how they are reared?

The quality of nutrients in milk also depends on the way cattle are raised. Cattle that eat green grass, graze and eat various herbs are healthy. The milk of such cattle is comparatively more healthy.

Cattle reared in the farm eat more hay and straw. Additional growth hormones, vitamins, antibiotics, steroids are given to increase milk. Which comes through milk and when we eat it, we are also eating steroids and various chemicals along with milk.

Now every food is adulterated. Milk is not exempt from this. As a result, the quality of milk has decreased. Instead of natural milk, we are now eating processed milk.

What are the benefits of eating cow's milk?

Milk gives strength to the body and helps in the growth and development of body organs and cells. Increases the amount of water in the body, while calcium promotes bone development. Iron acts as hemoglobin, i.e. the red substance needed by the body. Phosphorus acts as a substance needed by bones. Sodium potassium adjusts the amount of water. Similarly, there are salts required for each cell.

How to know that cow's milk is pure?

We can easily tell that water has been added to milk by seeing its thinness. Since cattle milk spoils quickly, soda is added to prevent it from spoiling. It had to be mixed to save the milk from spoiling.

Powdered milk available in the market also contains all the nutrients found in milk artificially. Therefore, it is difficult for common people to know which cow's milk is pure.

At what time is it appropriate to eat cow's milk?

We usually eat milk, curd with food. But it is better to eat milk and curd as a snack rather than with food. It is better to eat milk and satu as breakfast in the morning, and to eat milk and chiura in the afternoon.

Many people have the habit of drinking milk while sleeping at night. But because we rest at night, we don't need allergies. Therefore, it is better to have a glass of milk as breakfast and lunch than at night.

What kind of problem can't you eat milk?

If someone is thinking of reducing obesity, it is better for them not to consume milk. Also, because of diabetes, cholesterol and acidity problems, it is advisable to use less milk.

Should cow's milk be fed to small children or not?

Cow's milk is high in protein, so it should not be fed to young children as they cannot digest it. That's why we also hear about feeding lactogen instead of cow's milk. But this is very wrong, cow's milk is many times better than Lactogen. After the completion of 6 months, the baby's digestive system is well developed. He can digest eggs and meat and he can also digest milk. After 6 months, a normal baby can be given cow's milk.

Cow's milk is high in protein. No study has proven that children who consume it will develop kidney problems later. Earlier, every house used to raise cattle and children were brought up eating it. We do not find that they have kidney problems. The number of kidney failure has increased recently.


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