Cause, which leads to obesity
Obesity is now becoming a headache for many people. There are many people who go to the gym, do different types of diet plans, take supplements, and use home remedies to control obesity. However, they are not getting the expected results.
One of the main reasons for this is to start looking for ways to reduce obesity without knowing the cause. Because the same formula may not work for everyone. To control it, it is necessary to know the cause first.
Cause of obesity
Eating and drinking a lot does not necessarily increase obesity. There can be many other reasons behind obesity, among which genetics is one of them. Children of obese parents are also more likely to be obese. This is not to say that obesity is completely predetermined. Although it can be hereditary, obesity can be determined by the lifestyle of a person.
How does metabolism work? How is your digestion? How long does it take for the body to convert food into energy? All these things depend to some extent on genetic factors. Some people can be seen who do not gain weight even if they eat a lot. This may be due to their genetics. But it may not apply to everyone.
The body gets calories from what we eat and drink. We can do any physical activity with the energy we get from calories. But some people eat something when they are free or sitting in the office. In such a situation, some may not be aware of what they are eating. It increases calories in the body.
If there are more calories than required, the body becomes burdened and if it is not spent, fat accumulates and becomes obese.
advancing age
With increasing age, body parts do not function properly. Because of this obesity can increase. As the body's metabolic response slows down with age, the digestive power starts to weaken and the muscles also start to weaken. Because of this, fat accumulates in the body and obesity begins to prevail.
Lack of physical activity is also the main cause of obesity. Physical activity is necessary to expend the calories obtained from food. If you eat a lot but do not do any physical activity or exercise, the body cannot consume the calories from the food and it starts to accumulate as fat. Promotes obesity.
Lack of sleep
The body relaxes during sleep, which is very important for health. When there is no complete sleep then the body does not get rest. Which causes various problems in the body. Obesity is also one of these problems. If you don't get enough sleep, the digestive power becomes weak, the metabolism starts to slow down, the muscles don't get rest and it also increases hunger. Due to all these reasons obesity starts increasing gradually.
Taking too much stress
Too much stress is also a cause of obesity. Due to stress, some people may not know how much they eat and some may not know how much they eat due to stress. In this case, excessive eating can lead to obesity.
Bad lifestyle
Bad lifestyle i.e. not eating on time, not sleeping on time, not exercising, walking less, sitting in one place for hours, wrong consumption are also causes of obesity.
Some women gain weight rapidly after pregnancy. This may be due to some hormonal changes. At that time, since the body is weak, eating a lot of food and the body needs to rest, obesity increases.
Similarly, hypothyroidism lowers the body's metabolism, which leads to weight gain. However, thyroid problems do not always cause obesity, but some percent may be responsible.
Drug overdose
Taking too much medicine also increases obesity. There are some diseases in which medicine has to be taken for a long time. It can increase obesity.
In particular, people with mental health problems may feel more hungry due to medication that they have to take regularly and may not realize how much they have eaten.
wrong diet
Eating fast food, fried food, spicy food, sweets, packaged food, drinking alcohol increases obesity rapidly.
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