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What changes are seen in the body when falling in love with someone?

 What changes are seen in the body when falling in love with someone?

 Love is that exciting feeling that can make today dearer than yesterday. After drowning in love feelings, the way of thinking, the way of experiencing, the likes and dislikes of oneself and one's ideology melts towards the lover or the girlfriend who makes the place of love.

It is not limited to emotional experience. When the arrow of love strikes, a remarkable series of physical reactions begins within our bodies.

Brain, chemistry and hormones

They bring about changes in everything from powerful neurochemical flows to heart rate and breathing rhythms. This means that when in love, complex interactions between biological processes begin.

Psychologist Gurleen Barua says, 'When the feeling of love is attached to a person, it is actually the brain that brings about most of the changes. But we think it is the work of the heart.

"Our brains release a cocktail of chemicals, including dopamine and oxytocin, which play an important role in shaping our emotional and physical responses to love and activating parts associated with pleasure and sweet pain." Such chemical activity has physical and psychological effects.

According to an article published in Harvard Medical School, when falling in love, emotions reach a kind of isolated height, stress is reduced and the mind imagines the closeness of the beloved partner. Because of these chemical changes, love also manifests itself in physical sensations. For example, the thought of the two being close together makes the mind restless, the heart flutters and a sweet smile comes to the lips.

Like physical closeness, holding hands, talking for hours, gazing into the eyes, hugging and kissing or remembering such moments, the oxytocin hormone is released, which is also known as the hormone of love. Which ensures trust, sweetness and security towards your partner.

How do neurotransmitters and hormones change feelings and behavior when falling in love?

Hormone specialist Dr. According to Vinay Raut, when love begins between two people, the neurotransmitters and hormones dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin begin to shape our love and behavior. When falling in love for the first time, dopamine, oxytocin and androline are released from the 12 parts of the brain.

Because of this, if someone has fallen in love, one can see that their behavior has changed. He says, 'A person who is in love is more excited than before, starts walking briskly, looks cheerful. All this is an experience caused by hormones after being in love.

According to him, dopamine is called the hormone of happiness, which fills the 'reward center' in the brain. Which gradually improves the mood and creates a feeling of happiness. This is the gift of the hormone, which makes you more agile, motivated and has a sense of doing something in life than before. Makes you highly focused, motivated and eager to achieve exciting activities or goals. That feeling can change later.

Another hormone is serotonin. Which also helps to cheer up the mood and bring stability to the emotions. It calms the mind by calming any kind of fear and stress. As a result, love improves the mental health of people. Bhattarai says.

"The emotional relationship between two people who have spent a long time or are connected because of attraction is more than other people. And, the feeling between those people also gives them assurance of that," he says.

Effects on long-term health

Dr. Maya brings both positive and negative aspects to health in the long term. Bhattarai says. In a positive effect, it teaches love for everyone, satisfaction, understanding each other's feelings closely, solving problems together, and being responsible for one's duty to settle the house.

This creates a positive feeling. And, it produces and responds to oxytocin and endorphins, which help reduce stress levels and improve mental health. Moreover, a relationship full of love gives us a supportive environment. Those who can openly express their ideological feelings and experiences to each other. With the emotional support and companionship of the person you like, both your daily work and your mind can stay good.

Falling in love or getting it is not just about being happy every day. Sometimes it can have a negative effect.

Happy young couple with digital tablet and coffee cup at park

What are the negative effects?

Psychologist Gopal Dhakal says, "If you get love, it's okay." But sometimes not being able to control emotions can cause unnecessary trouble in people. The more love is made easier, the stronger it becomes. The more it gets worse, the worse it gets.

According to him, there is attraction in the beginning. Everything feels good. But as time passes and time passes, the attraction is not always the same. Living together all the time can lead to conflict of ideas. And, in such a case, when one dominates the other, the relationship may deteriorate. At that time, the stress hormone cortisol is produced, which leads to fights. If this sequence continues, the relationship may deteriorate.

Love is an emotional thing. Hate, anger, passion are also emotional things. Which is a product of brain chemicals released from the brain. It is necessary to mature thoughts, ideas and feelings. If there are immature emotions, it can cause problems. Even if it is not a feeling of love. Control or balance emotions with intelligence, conscience, consciousness It works, says psychologist Dhakal.

Even if the relationship can deteriorate, Dr. Bhattarai says. "After 13 months of being in love with someone, the norepinephrine, serotonin and oxytocin hormones decrease, due to which the relationship starts to suffer," he says, "when there is a deficiency, the cortisol hormone increases.

As a result, it can make you angry, increase stress, get lost in your girlfriend or boyfriend, make a fuss, get angry with the person you love the most and fight and even break up or break up. If you stay away from each other for a long time, the relationship may break even more.

Psychologist Dhakal says that because their oxytocin-increasing hugs and kisses are not the same as before, the relationship may deteriorate. Therefore, the balance of these hormones is also necessary to increase love.

In this case, the question arises, what to do?

Dr. According to Bhattarai, to maintain the love hormone, actions such as giving gifts, going for a walk, spending time, increasing closeness, respecting, appreciating work and beauty, hugging and kissing should be maintained, this helps to balance the happy hormone like oxytocin.

Not only that, you should not expect more from your partner. This can also cause a break in the relationship.

The science of love: 'Love begins with lust'

The first feeling of love is probably the most exciting feeling in life. Like, the phone rings. You are so excited that your partner called. When you hear his voice, your heart rate starts to increase. As soon as you remember her, your feelings of love start to melt.

Why does love bring such changes to your body? How does your body produce the chemistry of love?

Three types of love

Fisher and the Rutgers University American scientific team have classified romantic love into three categories. One, lust, two attraction, three attachment. Each type of love is controlled by different hormones. This means that these three senses work in coordination with each other. It is also possible that a person experiences only one of these. Of course, our feelings of attachment, attraction and lust can be different for different people.

Lust, from which love begins

Lust is the thing that is considered responsible for the beginning of love. Men and women are first physically attracted to each other. Of course, sex makes them attracted to each other. This is a natural process.

Consensual and safe sex is not perversion in itself. It also helps to express love. In fact, sex also protects existence.

This sense of working for sexual satisfaction with the right partner is also very important for our gradual development. Because from this it is possible to produce children. The role of sex hormones testosterone and estrogen is very important for lust. Now these two types of hormones are called female and male hormones. However, it is very important to stimulate both men and women. According to sex psychologists, 'estrogen hormones help to increase feminine qualities, and testosterone plays an important role in stimulating her organs.' So it will continue for another two years.

If you are having sex with lust, then something must be clear in your mind. Only after your mind has taken care of these three things is it appropriate to proceed. There are three things, rights, responsibilities and respect.

You will be free to have sex with your preferred partner. Of course, that is your right. However, you should also be responsible towards your partner. We should also respect each other.

What are the symptoms of lust?

- Feeling sexually excited towards someone.

- For you, his cover, i.e. face, body shape is important.

- You love each other, you can be best friends.

- Your interest is only in sexual contact, not in conversation.

Risk of heart disease: What is the difference between men and women?

About 35 percent of the total number of deaths in the world's women's community annually is due to heart disease, which is more than the number of women who die from all types of cancer. The study, identification, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in women tend to be less, which is a serious issue.

Some symptoms of heart disease in women may be different from those seen in men, so women are often misdiagnosed with heart disease. It is very necessary to increase the knowledge about heart disease in women among the general public as well as health workers.

If the heart's blood vessel 'artery' does not supply enough oxygenated blood to the heart, there may be a risk of developing a type of heart disease called 'coronary heart disease'. Likewise, when a part of the brain does not receive enough blood for some time, there is a risk of having an 'ischemic stroke' under 'stroke'.

Coronary heart disease and stroke are the two leading causes of death for women in most developed countries. It is found that different media have been erroneously publishing that the main cause of women's death is 'breast cancer'. This misconception must be addressed because breast cancer accounts for a smaller percentage of all deaths in women than heart disease. v. No. In the year 2079, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide and 6.7 million women died from the same cause.

It is very important to spread awareness about heart disease among the women community because most of the deaths due to heart disease in women are caused by patients who do not have any symptoms. Women of childbearing age have a lower risk of heart disease. But after menopause (menopause in English) i.e. permanent cessation of menstruation, the risk is reduced.

Risk factors for heart disease in both sexes in general

- Hypertension (systolic blood pressure of 140 or more)

– Dyslipidemia (abnormal levels of lipids in the bloodstream)

Diabetes: Women with diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease than men with diabetes.

- Obesity

Smoking: Women who smoke are more likely to develop heart disease than men who smoke.

- Lifestyle without physical activity

– Family history

– Inadequate nutrition

– Environmental pollution

Pregnancy-related risk factors for heart disease in pregnant women

– Preeclampsia (hypertension disorder)

– Gestational hypertension

- Gestational diabetes

-Pre-term delivery (birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy)

-Birth of a child with less than normal weight

-Abortion in every pregnancy

Other risk factors for heart disease in women

-First menstruation: The first menstruation may be before the normal age.

- Menopause: After menopause, the low level of estrogen increases the risk of developing disease in the small blood vessels.

Menopause before normal age.

- Hormone-based family planning.

-Polycystic ovarian syndrome

- Auto-immune disorders

-Chronic inflammatory conditions

Stress: Stress and depression affect the heart of women more than men. Depression can also make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

-Ischemic heart disease (IHD): It develops at an older age in women than in men. However, rates of IHD are increasing among young women.

- Impaired glucose rate: It is higher in women than in men.

Sleep disturbances, depression, etc. are common during menopause, which are associated with an increase in heart disease.

It is a myth that only old people are victims of heart disease

Despite adopting a healthy lifestyle, women of all ages are at risk of heart disease. These are among the factors that increase the risk of heart disease in addition to age.


- Eating too much food or eating unhealthy food

-Having a physically relaxed lifestyle

- Suffering from heart disease at birth

Due to endogenous hormone levels, lower body weight and high body fat ratio, the results of therapy given to female patients during the treatment of any heart disease may also vary from patient to patient. According to some reports, aspirin use has a protective effect against stroke in women, but not for heart attack.

Risk of coronary heart disease

These are among the major risk factors for coronary heart disease in women.

- Smoking

- Hypertension

- Diabetes


- Sedentary lifestyle

-Inadequate nutrition

- Dyslipidemia

Among these risks, gender differences have been observed in diabetes and dyslipidemia.

The 'age' of both male and female patients determines the severity of the risk. However, women are generally 10 years older than men when they first develop coronary heart disease.

According to the data of the British Heart Foundation. No. In the year 2078, around 110 million men and 80 million women worldwide were suffering from coronary heart disease.

The most important risk factor for coronary heart disease is smoking, many heart attacks are caused by tobacco use. The World Health Organization v. No. According to the press release issued on October 13, 2077, 9.4 million people die of coronary heart disease worldwide every year, of which about 1.9 million (about 21 percent) die from tobacco use and the effects of its use on others (from second-hand smoke). A person who smokes to smoke and Within one year, the risk of heart disease is reduced by half, and over time, the risk returns to normal.

It is surprising that the number of young women who smoke in the world population has increased while the number of young men who smoke has decreased. Also, women who smoke have a higher risk of heart disease if they use oral contraceptive pills.

As women get older, hypertension is more common than men. Controlling hypertension reduces the risk of both stroke and heart disease. According to some data, there are significant benefits of treating postmenopausal women suffering from dyslipidemia.

The risk of death from coronary heart disease related to diabetes is higher in women than in men. The reason for this gender difference may be due to the specific harmful effects of diabetes on lipids and blood pressure. Both men and women are equally at risk of heart disease due to obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

Oral family planning pills (pills)

The use of pills increases blood pressure and there is an additional risk in women who smoke. However, the use of the pill does not increase the risk of heart attack in women with no other risk factors for heart disease. In general, the risk of stroke increases several times in women who use pills, while the risk of stroke increases several times in women who use pills as well as smoke. However, pills with low dosage and less than 500 grams of estrogen are found to have no risk when used only by women who do not smoke. Also, most stroke treatments in people over the age of 65 are more expensive for women than for men.

According to the British Heart Foundation's 2078 data, around 56 million women and 45 million men have survived a stroke worldwide.

In addition, women are more likely than men to suffer from unusual chest pain, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, and breathing problems. Heart attacks occur later in life in women compared to men, while women often have other diseases that 'hide' the symptoms of heart disease.

It is a myth that heart disease does not affect women who are physically active and do physical exercises regularly. The fact is that no one has a zero risk of heart disease even if they are yoga lovers, marathon enthusiasts. A person's cholesterol, eating and smoking habits can 'neutralize' other healthy habits.

Some heart disease symptoms can be different in women than in men, which is why women are regularly misdiagnosed with heart disease.

Symptoms of heart disease


1. Nausea or vomiting

2. Headache, neck or back pain

3. A feeling of pressure or pain in the chest

4. Having trouble breathing


1. Nausea or vomiting

2. Pain in the 'upper' part of the shoulder, neck or back

3. An occasional feeling of pain in the chest

4. Having trouble breathing

5. fainting

6. indigestion

7. Excessive external fatigue

Like men, the most common heart attack symptoms in women include chest pain or chest discomfort. However, it is more natural for women than men to experience common symptoms such as shortness of breath, vomiting and back or leg pain during a heart attack.

Coronary heart disease is often asymptomatic in women. Also, tests like TMT (treadmill test) for diagnosing heart disease are less effective in women. Also HRT (hormone replacement therapy) can show wrong results. In case of women, SVD (single vessel disease) is more likely to be missed while diagnosing heart disease through TMT.

Similarly, even while using modern diagnostic tests for heart disease such as myocardial perfusion thallium test, women's breast tissue may show false results. However, SPECT (single-photon emission computed tomography), calcium scoring and exercise A are important diagnostic procedures for female patients.

Therefore, women with heart disease often have both 'undertreated' and 'underdiagnosed procedures' used, while women have a higher risk of heart disease.

According to a research paper presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) scientific conference "Heart Failure" in 2023, women are twice as likely to die from heart disease as compared to men. Overall, coronary blood vessels are smaller in women than in men. In addition, adverse outcomes such as bleeding and rupture of blood vessels are more common during and immediately after interventional procedures such as angioplasty and bypass surgery in women. Therefore, women suffering from coronary heart disease will benefit the most if they adopt risk reduction measures.

In fact, HRT is controversial. In the past, rich women were regularly given hormones by doctors to get rid of the symptoms of menopause and to get protection from osteoporosis and heart disease. However, according to the latest data, HRT does not show any benefit to the heart. Therefore, HRT is not done only to get protection from heart disease. The women who decided to use estrogen hormones were educated and therefore had better blood pressure, cholesterol, e.g Salinity, body weight, alcohol consumption and physical exercise were at favorable levels. Therefore, the protective effect of estrogen may not be as stated.

Also, most of the risks associated with HRT seem to increase according to the duration of HRT. Some people find short-term relief of menopausal symptoms important by successfully using HRT for a minimal period of time. They consider the increased risk of breast cancer, embolism and certain small risks of heart disease to be 'acceptable'. However, until more reliable data are available, HRT should be used based on a woman's initial risk of heart disease, taking into account the overall health benefits.

Rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease affects men and women disproportionately. The risk of rheumatic heart disease is two times higher in women than in men. Rheumatic heart disease is the main cause of heart complications in pregnant women. Pregnant women with rheumatic heart disease are at risk of complications such as heart arrhythmias and heart failure. The reason for this is the increase in blood volume and more pressure on the heart valves. It is common for women not to know that they have rheumatic heart disease until they become pregnant.


These are important to reduce the risk of heart disease in the female community.

- To spread awareness about heart disease and identify heart disease.

- Prevent heart disease.

- To provide fair treatment and health services.

- Conduct inclusive and gender specific research.

Regarding heart disease, women take longer to get health care than men. In addition to gender differences, mental-social factors play a role in the symptoms of heart disease.

Overall, all women's groups should acknowledge the differences that exist between men and women in terms of heart disease. There is a role for medication in the primary prevention of heart disease in some select groups. However, the main emphasis should be on lifestyle modification, smoking control, diabetes, obesity, diet and physical exercise. In addition, awareness should be given importance in educational and seminar programs at various levels about the heart disease problem in women as well as the issue of the onset of heart disease in the later part of their life.

Various international programs like WTH (Women Take Heart) and WISE (Women with Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation). No. Released in 2063. The program concluded that women should effectively manage the risks of heart disease in order to live a healthy and long life.


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