What are the risks of traveling while pregnant? Skip to main content

What are the risks of traveling while pregnant?

What are the risks of traveling while pregnant?

 What are the risks of traveling while pregnant?

Why is pregnancy travel risky? Many people may have this question. It does not mean that you should not travel during pregnancy. If the short distance is good, careful travel may not make a difference. However, if the pregnancy is near the first trimester and the last trimester, if the destination is far away, not only the baby but also the mother's health may be at risk. So, before traveling by air or by bus, you must think once.

What happens when traveling in the first trimester?

Morning sickness is at its peak due to hormonal changes. In which problems such as vomiting, headache and fatigue are seen daily. Vomiting can be more than average while traveling. which relaxes the body. On top of that, the child should not have taken a good place. In this case, there is a high possibility of miscarriage while traveling long distances.

However, there is not much risk if you drive slowly in places where there are no potholes for a short distance.

What happens when traveling in the third trimester?

Traveling during the last trimester of pregnancy can be even more dangerous. Because when traveling during this time, the water level of the river may decrease. And, the pain can tear at any time and in any place before the date.

In the context of Nepal, geographically, the roads are not good and there is no access to hospitals in many places. Therefore, it is not possible to have a good delivery.

Second trimester low risk

Second trimester of pregnancy 14 months to 22 weeks is considered relatively safe for safe travel. Because at this time, hormone levels will be balanced, symptoms like vomiting will be reduced. Also, the energy in the body will be the same and the baby will have a certain shape.

However, long journeys should be avoided, because during long journeys it becomes difficult to sit, and if you have to urinate, you will not be able to urinate and your legs will become swollen.

Similarly, the immunity of pregnant women is very weak during this time. Because of this, there is a possibility of spreading infectious diseases quickly during long journeys. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid travel as much as possible during this time.

Whether it is the first, second or third trimester, if you are traveling in a car for a long time, if you sit in one place without moving your body, blood circulation cannot be done properly. Because of this, the feet may also be swollen. In this case, blood clots can reach the baby and the mother's brain and complicate the situation.

Air travel is relatively safe

If you have to travel during pregnancy, it is advisable to travel by plane. When traveling by plane, the time is reached quickly. National level air travel is considered safe for up to 32 weeks and international air travel for up to 28 weeks.

However, even the plane cannot be considered completely safe. Because the higher the plane reaches, the higher the air pressure, the lower the oxygen level. Regardless of the travel, it is mandatory to consult a gynecologist before traveling.

If these symptoms appear during pregnancy, you should immediately go to the nearest hospital

- Abdominal pain spreading to back and legs.

-Sudden bleeding from the vagina.

—Constant leakage of water and headache.

- Blurred vision or blackness in front of the eyes can be understood as a sign of increased blood pressure.

- Swelling of hands and feet.

If you have to travel, what should you pay attention to?

- You should travel only according to the advice of the doctor after looking at the condition of the pregnancy.

- If there is a problem with the pregnancy from the beginning, then a little more attention should be paid even when traveling for a short distance.

-If you have to drive or sit on a long distance journey during pregnancy, you should take small breaks on the way and rest.

- On the road, you should move your hands and feet lightly and take breaks.

- If there is a good pitched road of two-three hours like a short-distance journey, the vehicle can be stopped gradually.

- If you have to travel a long distance, it is better to do it by ship.

- Keep yourself hydrated and wear temperature-appropriate clothing.


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