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Showing posts with the label Bias

Why and when to vaccinate a child?

The dynamic duo: Strong UI and bias-free AI technology

The dynamic duo: Strong UI and bias-free AI technology The combination of strong user interface (UI) and bias-free AI technology has the potential to greatly improve the user experience and provide more accurate and fair results. UI refers to the way in which a user interacts with a system or device, while AI technology involves the use of algorithms and data to perform tasks that would be difficult or impossible for a human to do.

What is Artificial Intelligence Bias and How to Remove it?

 What is Artificial Intelligence Bias and How to Remove it?  Artificial intelligence (AI) bias refers to the tendency for AI systems to produce results that are unfair or inaccurate due to the influence of biased data or algorithms. AI bias can have significant consequences, including discrimination against certain groups of people and the amplification of existing societal inequalities.