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Showing posts with the label affect

Expert's advice: Cold weather is increasing, do not take medicine indiscriminately if you have a cold

 Expert's advice: Cold weather is increasing, do not take medicine indiscriminately if you have a cold As the country, including Kathmandu, has started to experience extreme cold, experts have suggested not to buy medicine if you have a cold this season. Children and senior citizens especially need more care during the winter season. Experts have urged people to take necessary precautions, saying that children are more likely to suffer from respiratory problems, colds, throat infections, stomach aches, etc. during the winter season. Pediatrician Dr. Ramhari Chapagain of Kanti Children's Hospital says that respiratory problems, pneumonia, and 'cold diarrhea' (cold-related diarrhea) are more common during the winter. 'Nutritious food is needed to protect children from colds. Although children need nutritious food at any time, they need it more during winter than at other times. It helps in digesting common diseases,' he said. He also said that all the vaccines pro...

How does stress affect memory?

 How does stress affect memory? There is no stress in life. It is normal to have normal stress. But it also has its limits. Chronic stress can have a negative effect on brain function, including memory. When the stress starts to become unlimited, then people start to fall into the circle of problems. In the case of stress, the stress hormone cortisol is released in the body and many other hormones in the body are also unbalanced, in such a situation both physical and mental health are affected. Stress also directly affects the brain and can negatively affect memory. Being under stress for a long time has a bad effect on human brain function. Because of this, some people have problems remembering things. This condition directly affects the mental and physical health of the person. Due to constant work or other stress, people tend to forget things quickly, which can lead to big problems in the future. How does severe stress affect memory? Lack of concentration Due to long-term stress...

How does noise pollution affect the heart?

 How does noise pollution affect the heart? Noise pollution is a problem that gradually harms health. Thousands of people lose their hearing every year due to noise pollution. The ear can only hear a certain intensity of sound. Loud noise damages the ears. There is a link between traffic noise and heart attacks. Traffic noise increases the risk of stroke, diabetes and many heart-related diseases. Loud noise is also considered a risk factor for heart disease. Due to excessive noise, people do not sleep at night and it also causes stress and restlessness. The number of heart patients has increased rapidly in the last few years. Especially young people are falling prey to heart attacks and noise pollution is also a major cause. A recent study published in the journal Circulation Research found a link between traffic noise and heart attacks. A team of international researchers has analyzed a large amount of data and found that traffic noise increases the risk of stroke, diabetes and ot...

Does X-ray during pregnancy affect the fetus?

 Does X-ray during pregnancy affect the fetus? X-ray is a method of detecting a disease during health treatment. But various things should be taken care of while doing X-ray. During pregnancy, it is better not to take X-rays as much as possible. Because it can negatively affect the fetus inside the womb. What is X-ray? X-ray is a ray (ray), which helps to detect diseases in the body and also causes some damage to the body. X-rays emit radiation that deactivates and kills cells in the body. Similarly, due to the radiation of high light emitted from X-ray during pregnancy, there may be problems in the growth and development of the fetus inside the womb, due to which it may cause birth defects, slow growth and development of the baby after birth and may even increase the risk of miscarriage. Cell damage may occur due to radiation. When is there more risk? There are three trimesters of pregnancy - first, second and third. X-rays during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the first ...