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What are the risks of traveling while pregnant?

Tetanus vaccine should be given to the child under what circumstances?

 Tetanus vaccine should be given to the child under what circumstances? Tetanus is a serious and deadly disease. whose vaccination is considered mandatory for the safety of children. This disease is usually transmitted by tetanus bacteria found in soil, dust or dirty objects, which enter the body through injuries. Tetanus bacteria can survive in the body for years. The titanospasmin produced by it seems to have a bad effect on our nervous system, brain and muscles. Boiling these germs in water for 20 minutes does not kill them. Germs become active after entering the body through a wound. Symptoms of tetanus Symptoms of tetanus appear after a week or two after the tetanus bacteria enter the body. There is fever, diarrhea, headache. Problems such as jaw muscle stiffness and difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, difficulty in eating and drinking, stomach ache, muscle contraction in the back of the body are seen. Symptoms of tetanus include increased pain in the muscles, rapid breat