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Showing posts with the label depression

Is there anything wrong with not eating sugar?

 Is there anything wrong with not eating sugar? From morning tea to sweets. Sugar adds sweetness not only to our food, but also to our lives. Without this sugar, we would not be able to eat foods like sweets, chocolate, cakes or soft drinks. But where did this sugar come from and how did it reach our kitchen? Sugar and then brown sugar were first made in India from sugarcane juice. Historical books and various reports from India and abroad provide evidence of this. According to a research report titled ‘A History of Sugar: The Food Nobody Needs, But Everyone Craves’ published by the British media outlet network ‘The Conversation’, sugar was made in India around 2,500 years ago, i.e. 500 BC. From here, the technology to make it spread eastwards to China and reached the Middle East via Iran. In the first century, the historian Pliny the Elder, who wrote the encyclopedia ‘Naturalis Historia’, said that Indian sugar was better than sugar made in Arabia. It is said that sugar first reac...

Depression and suicidality in cancer survivors

 Depression and suicidality in cancer survivors According to a 2014 study by the World Health Organization in Nepal, 14,300 people die every year due to cancer. According to another report two years later, 30,000 cancer patients are added every year. Officials of concerned agencies say that the number of people who commit suicide due to psychological problems is also high. General Secretary of Cancer Care Society Dr. Sarita Ghimire says that there is no systematic study on the mental condition of cancer patients and their suicide rate in Nepal. However, looking at this situation, his number is alarming. Many people analyze people with cancer from a one-sided angle. However, they did not discuss about their mental condition. Various studies have shown that there is such a problem all over the world. The studies done about their mental problems have shown its terrible condition. According to the data of the World Health Organization, more than 9 million people died from cancer in 201...

How does stress turn into depression?

 How does stress turn into depression? It is natural to worry about something. But worrying can be harmful. Stress or worry day and night can lead to depression. And, if the depression is not recognized in time and the support and support of the family is not provided, the situation may become more serious. Nowadays, many people from young age to old age who suffer from depression are seen in the mental illness department of the hospital. In fact, when the brain does not get complete rest, then a kind of stress builds up in it. As a result, stress gradually turns into depression. How does stress turn into depression? Stress is a disturbance in the homeostasis of the body. Homeostasis is a condition that disrupts the physical, mental and psychological functioning of a person. Due to stress, the level of certain hormones in the body increases above average, among which adrenaline and cortisol are the main ones. If the level of these hormones increases continuously, stress turns into ...