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Why and when to vaccinate a child?

Why is breast cancer seen in young girls?

 Why is breast cancer seen in young girls? After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. This cancer, which is more common in women between the ages of 40 and 44, is now affecting younger women as well. According to a recent research, cases of breast cancer have been found in women aged 40 years or younger, but the risk of second primary breast cancer is decreasing. According to the American Cancer Society, the death rate from breast cancer has been decreasing continuously for the last few years. It is said that with regular checkups and proper treatment, the risk of dying from cancer is reduced. Also, with the help of early detection, fatal diseases like breast cancer can be avoided. What does the study say? The Harvard Public Health Breast Cancer Study included 1,297 women aged 40 or younger. From August 2006 to June 2015, zero to third stage cancer was diagnosed. In which a total of 685 women were found to have undergone primary surgery. They did a 'mastec

Tuberculosis spread in children

 Tuberculosis spread in children Experts in this field say that the tuberculosis situation in Nepal is becoming dire because the active model of identifying tuberculosis patients in villages cannot be implemented. A 9-year-old girl was admitted to Kanti Children's Hospital. The parents had taken the child to four private hospitals after experiencing fever, occasional fainting, and flatulence, but the disease was not diagnosed. In the end, he suspected that he might have tuberculosis and administered medicine. The health condition of the girl became serious as she sometimes took and stopped taking medicine. Child respiratory and intensive care specialist Dr. Jagatjivan went to Ghimire. He suspected that the girl had tuberculosis and suggested to be tested. After a few days of testing, it was confirmed that he had tuberculosis. He came in a very serious condition. Tuberculosis had already affected various organs. Ghimire said, "He had to be treated in the ICU for three weeks.&qu

In which case is the use of diapers harmful to the child?

 In which case is the use of diapers harmful to the child? Now diapers are less for the baby and more for the parents. Because after wearing a diaper, the child gets rid of the hassle of making stools and urine. However, the use of diapers is correct to a certain extent, but its excessive use can be harmful. There is a fear of infection especially with the use of diapers. Therefore, the child should be taught to urinate separately and not in diapers. When there is stool-urine, the child indicates something. By understanding that signal, the child should be made to pass stool and urine separately. 1. The child should get used to sitting on a folding seat. However, it is difficult to get used to it. However, if you continue this practice for a few days, it will not be difficult. 2. The child signals before urinating. You have to understand that signal. Small children cannot hold their stools and they can pass them anywhere. However, they should be brought to the toilet as soon as the chi

What do vitamins do in the body?

 What do vitamins do in the body? Vitamins are one of the 6 types of elements needed to keep the body healthy. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water and minerals needed by the body are also vitamins. Vitamins play a role in keeping the body healthy, increasing immunity and activating the brain to increase positive thinking and ability. There are two types of vitamins, fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K, while water-soluble vitamins are C and B complex. Vitamin types and foods Vitamin A softens the skin. It helps to keep eye power normal, to grow bones and teeth. It also works to give fertility and immunity and prevent vision problems. There are two types of vitamin A, 'active vitamin A' and 'beta carotene'. Active vitamin A is also known as retinal. Liver, chicken and beef, milk, eggs are its main sources. Beta carotene vitamin is found in fruits and vegetables, which is called carotenoid. This vitamin is found in abundance in dark yell

Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper?

 Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper? It has become easier for parents since diapers started coming in the market. After wearing a diaper, the child gets relief from the trouble of making stools and urine. It has become easier to put the baby to sleep and take it outside with diapers on. That is why it has become mandatory to wear diapers to the baby these days. The use of diapers is correct to a certain extent, but its excessive use can be harmful. According to a study by Times Up India, earlier, a chemical called 'Falit' was found in baby diapers. The chemical was found to increase the risk of metabolic disorders, diabetes, liver disorders and even cancer by coming into contact with the skin. Recently, many types of diapers are available in the market. You should choose a diaper for your baby that uses less chemicals and plastic. Using diapers can cause these problems for the baby Diapers are made of chemicals and synthetic materials. Many parents put their baby in

These 7 signs are seen when hormones are imbalanced in women, know about them

 These 7 signs are seen when hormones are imbalanced in women, know about them Hormones Imbalance In Women: When hormones are imbalanced in women, the effect is seen in the whole body. Know what symptoms are seen in women in such a situation. How To Fix Hormone Imbalances: To stay healthy and fit, it is also important to have balanced hormones. If your hormones are not balanced, then you will start falling prey to diseases. In such a situation, there can be a difference in your weight. Along with this, problems like fatigue and weakness can also occur throughout the day. What can be the reasons for hormones being unbalanced. Taking too much stress is considered to be the main reason for this. At the same time, poor eating habits and lifestyle can also cause this. Cases of hormonal imbalance are more common in women. In such a situation, many symptoms are seen in the body of women. It is very important to pay attention to them from the beginning. These signs are often related to the pro

Can we eat sprouts in monsoon? Learn its benefits and disadvantages from the expert

 Can we eat sprouts in monsoon? Learn its benefits and disadvantages from the expert Sprouts can be eaten in monsoon, but attention should be paid to its cleanliness. Sprouts are considered very beneficial for health. Eating sprouts provides many benefits to health, such as it detoxes the body, is good for eyesight, increases hair growth and also helps in reducing the signs of aging. This is because sprouts are low in calories and rich in fiber. We all know that consuming fiber based food items keeps digestive problems away. Not only this, consuming sprouts also keeps cholesterol levels low. But, here it becomes important to know whether it is right to eat sprouts during the monsoon season? This question is also important because eating raw vegetables during monsoon days is not good for health. This can cause stomach problems. Can we eat sprouts in monsoon? As already mentioned, sprouts are very beneficial for our health. It contains many types of nutrients, which everyone consumes. Ho

Diabetes patients should adopt these 5 methods in case of injury, it will help in healing the wound

 Diabetes patients should adopt these 5 methods in case of injury, it will help in healing the wound We all know that diabetes patients should take great care of their health. They should be aware not only about their diet but also about their lifestyle. A little negligence in their lifestyle or diet can disturb the balance of their blood sugar. If it is not managed in time, it can prove to be fatal. Apart from this, diabetes patients should also be careful if they get a wound or injury somewhere. Actually, the wounds of diabetes patients do not heal quickly. If it takes more time to heal, then infection can occur, the wound can spread and the problem can take a serious form. Therefore, diabetes patients should know what to do if they get hurt, so that the wound can heal faster. Clean the injury thoroughly tips for diabetes wound care Before cleaning the injury, diabetes patients should clean their hands with soap. After this, wash the injury thoroughly with plain water. Make sure that

What changes are seen in the body when falling in love with someone?

 What changes are seen in the body when falling in love with someone?  Love is that exciting feeling that can make today dearer than yesterday. After drowning in love feelings, the way of thinking, the way of experiencing, the likes and dislikes of oneself and one's ideology melts towards the lover or the girlfriend who makes the place of love. It is not limited to emotional experience. When the arrow of love strikes, a remarkable series of physical reactions begins within our bodies. Brain, chemistry and hormones They bring about changes in everything from powerful neurochemical flows to heart rate and breathing rhythms. This means that when in love, complex interactions between biological processes begin. Psychologist Gurleen Barua says, 'When the feeling of love is attached to a person, it is actually the brain that brings about most of the changes. But we think it is the work of the heart. "Our brains release a cocktail of chemicals, including dopamine and oxytocin, wh

What position should a pregnant woman sleep in?

 What position should a pregnant woman sleep in? Pregnancy is the happiest and most exciting time of a woman's life. A mother weaves a world of colorful dreams for her unborn child. For this dream, they bear a lot of pain and give birth to children. Pregnancy is a very serious and important situation for a mother. In this case, they have to make changes in their daily behavior from eating. Doctors say that mothers should pay attention not only to food but also to sleep during pregnancy. In which position to sleep during pregnancy? How can you and your baby be comfortable while sleeping? It is important to pay attention to this. Every work done by the mother has a direct effect on the unborn child. Usually, a pregnant mother has difficulty sleeping. For the health of both the mother and the unborn child, it is necessary to know about the way of sleeping. Which improves the health of both mother and child. In which position to sleep during pregnancy? Since the weight of the stomach i

In how many months will the baby's teeth come?

 In how many months will the baby's teeth come? After 6 months of birth, teeth start to grow. It is called a milk tooth. But children's teething age is not the same. Some come in 6 months and some come in 11 months. Baby teeth come up to 20, which come within a period of 36 months. Then, between the ages of 6 and 12, baby teeth begin to fall out and permanent teeth begin to erupt. Which is called 'Secondary Eruption of Teeth' in medical language. Baby teeth come forward first. Some may have two at once, while some may grow one at a time. Changes in the baby during the eruption of milk teeth During teething, the gums may become swollen or red, saliva may leak more, any food may be put in the mouth, the gums may hurt, itch and fever may occur. Some people find it difficult to eat due to pain when teething, and sleep problems due to pain. what to do When the child's teeth are growing, food such as bananas, apples, fruits, carrots, and cucumbers should be chewed. It red