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Acupuncture Medicine: 12 Questions and Answers

How does stress turn into depression?

 How does stress turn into depression? It is natural to worry about something. But worrying can be harmful. Stress or worry day and night can lead to depression. And, if the depression is not recognized in time and the support and support of the family is not provided, the situation may become more serious. Nowadays, many people from young age to old age who suffer from depression are seen in the mental illness department of the hospital. In fact, when the brain does not get complete rest, then a kind of stress builds up in it. As a result, stress gradually turns into depression. How does stress turn into depression? Stress is a disturbance in the homeostasis of the body. Homeostasis is a condition that disrupts the physical, mental and psychological functioning of a person. Due to stress, the level of certain hormones in the body increases above average, among which adrenaline and cortisol are the main ones. If the level of these hormones increases continuously, stress turns into depr

How does stress affect memory?

 How does stress affect memory? There is no stress in life. It is normal to have normal stress. But it also has its limits. Chronic stress can have a negative effect on brain function, including memory. When the stress starts to become unlimited, then people start to fall into the circle of problems. In the case of stress, the stress hormone cortisol is released in the body and many other hormones in the body are also unbalanced, in such a situation both physical and mental health are affected. Stress also directly affects the brain and can negatively affect memory. Being under stress for a long time has a bad effect on human brain function. Because of this, some people have problems remembering things. This condition directly affects the mental and physical health of the person. Due to constant work or other stress, people tend to forget things quickly, which can lead to big problems in the future. How does severe stress affect memory? Lack of concentration Due to long-term stress, th