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Why and when to vaccinate a child?

Why and when to vaccinate a child?

 Why and when to vaccinate a child? Vaccination is an effective achievement of medical science. Vaccination is done to protect the body from any possible disease that may occur in the future. Vaccination protects against possible future diseases. Vaccination is done by injecting the dead or weakened bacteria of the related disease into the human body. White blood cells are activated to produce disease-fighting antibodies. Especially the immune system of newborns is very weak. So they can suffer from even minor diseases. Therefore, they are vaccinated against some diseases that may occur. In particular, to keep children healthy, to protect them from disability, and to prevent them from getting serious diseases, they should complete the set amount of vaccinations. Age-wise vaccination schedule has also been prepared for newborns. In this case, first-time parents should know which vaccines are available for newborns in Nepal and when to administer them. Why wear it? After the child is bor

Reasons and solutions for men's breasts to resemble women's breasts

 Reasons and solutions for men's breasts to resemble women's breasts A 25-year-old man said that for the past few years, his chest has become like a woman's breast. Therefore, he said that he should not change his clothes in the presence of other men. The reason for the size of her breasts is that her body is producing sex-steroid hormones in excess of what is needed? A man's chest resembling a woman's breast is medically called 'gynaecomastia'. This is the growth of the areola and the surrounding area of ​​the male chest and taking the shape of a woman's breast. Regardless of gender, all humans have both male hormones-androgens and female hormones-estrogens. The period of physical and hormonal changes that occur during the process of becoming an adult is called 'puberty' in English. It starts between 9 and 14 years of age for males. During puberty, the amount of androgens and estrogens in the body can change and increase to various levels, so a

How to check if you have breast cancer?

 How to check if you have breast cancer? Breast cancer is the main cancer in women. Breast cancer usually occurs in women, but this does not mean that men cannot develop breast cancer. Like women, men are also at risk of breast cancer. However, the risk of breast cancer in men is lower than in women. Out of 1,000 breast cancer patients, four to five, less than one percent, are seen in men. This cancer that develops from cells in the breast can occur in both men and women. If this cancer can be detected in time, the risk of death can be reduced. The main cause of breast cancer is heredity. If detected in time, it can be treated. According to the American Cancer Society, the death rate from breast cancer has been steadily decreasing over the last few years. It is said that with regular checkups and proper treatment, the risk of death from cancer is reduced. Also, with the help of early detection, additional risks from breast cancer can be avoided. There are different methods to detect br

Breast cancer can happen to women of any age

 Breast cancer can happen to women of any age Breast cancer is a cancer that occurs in the cells of the breast. This type of cancer is now spreading rapidly in Nepal as well. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The number of breast cancer cases has been increasing in Nepal for the past few years. Generally, breast cancer is more common in women aged 40 to 50 years. But now it is also seen in women aged 25 to 45 years. Not only that, some cases have also been seen in the age group above 20 years. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in European countries. In Asian countries, it was less visible than in Europe. But recently, the number of breast cancer is also increasing in Asian countries. According to the latest data, one out of six women has breast cancer. Reasons why cancer appears at a young age The main cause of breast cancer is genetics. But the reason why cancer appears at a young age is the change in our lifestyle and diet. For some years we have adopted a weste

Causes of uric acid and how to control it

 Causes of uric acid and how to control it Uric acid is one of the acids in the blood. It is present in small amounts in the body and is soluble in water. It is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. But when the uric acid that is produced in excess in the body cannot be removed properly by the kidneys, then the uric acid in the blood increases. When the production of uric acid in the body increases, the kidneys cannot eliminate it completely. Due to which it starts accumulating in the joints and tissues. When the amount of uric acid in the body increases, not only joint pain and swelling, but also many other problems can occur. Cause of uric acid The level of uric acid in the body can increase due to many reasons. Uric acid is more common in kidney problems. Because uric acid is produced in the body, it is produced from the food we eat. The same thing has to be 'filtered' by the kidneys and come to our urine. But in kidney patients, uric acid does not filter, that's why uri

Threats to human health when pesticides try to protect crops

 Threats to human health when pesticides try to protect crops Raju Thapa of Dang's Tulsipur sub-metropolitan city-12 Dokrena has cultivated vegetables on 10 bighas of land. In his farm, which has been cultivated commercially since 2076, vegetables such as Parsi, Golvenda, Cauli are now planted. Thapa had planted 'Gaurav' and 'Chow' varieties of Golva in 3 out of 10 bigha fields. However, the sheep named Chow suddenly died. When the ripening lambs started dying rapidly, he called a technician and administered medicine. But the golbenda plants did not stop dying. Showing the calculation that it cost 10 lakhs to plant this farm, Thapa says, 'If we could have sold all the fruits, we would have earned 18 lakhs. Every year such a problem occurs in some crop. When the problem started, I tried to save the vegetables, even if it was by using pesticides. In Thapa's experience, efforts to save vegetables through pesticides and medicines have become regular and mandator

In which case is the use of diapers harmful to the child?

 In which case is the use of diapers harmful to the child? Now diapers are less for the baby and more for the parents. Because after wearing a diaper, the child gets rid of the hassle of making stools and urine. However, the use of diapers is correct to a certain extent, but its excessive use can be harmful. There is a fear of infection especially with the use of diapers. Therefore, the child should be taught to urinate separately and not in diapers. When there is stool-urine, the child indicates something. By understanding that signal, the child should be made to pass stool and urine separately. 1. The child should get used to sitting on a folding seat. However, it is difficult to get used to it. However, if you continue this practice for a few days, it will not be difficult. 2. The child signals before urinating. You have to understand that signal. Small children cannot hold their stools and they can pass them anywhere. However, they should be brought to the toilet as soon as the chi

What to eat when you have typhoid, what not to eat?

 What to eat when you have typhoid, what not to eat? Summer and rainy season are also the time of infection of many communicable diseases as it is the season when various viruses and bacteria are active. Typhoid is one of the communicable diseases that occur in summer. Typhoid is a type of fever that usually occurs in summer. Once the bacteria of the Salmonella group enter the human body, it causes typhoid. There are many types of bacteria of the Salmonella group, but Salmonella typhi and paratyphoid bacteria are found in large quantities in patients with typhoid. The germs of this disease, which are caused by consuming contaminated water and food, are more active in summer and rainy season. Symptoms of typhoid Stomach and headache, sudden high fever, vomiting, excessive sweating and constipation or diarrhea are the symptoms of typhoid. If severe typhoid persists for a long time, there is a possibility of a hole in the intestine. Treatment In the treatment of typhoid fever reducing dru

Why is it important to open your heart and laugh?

 Why is it important to open your heart and laugh? Stress hurts the body and mind. Everyone has the same suggestion - 'You should be free from stress.' But can a person really be stress-free? According to an American scientist, every impulse suppressed in the brain creates pressure in the muscles and skin. Unless it is released through an action, tension remains in the muscles. This stress leads to fatigue and depression, which gradually turns into a serious illness. So it is important to manage stress. Laugh heartily Laughter is a unique gift of nature. When you laugh heartily, it also works as a medicine for many diseases. So start the morning with a smile. By doing this, the day will pass happily. When we laugh heartily, the internal organs of the body are exercised. Blood flow is good. Famous Dr. According to Lee Burke, laughter is a natural and accepted way of healing the body. The benefits of laughter Laughter activates the human system. It increases natural cells, which

What happens to the body when there is a lack of vitamin E?

 What happens to the body when there is a lack of vitamin E? Vitamin E strengthens muscles and thins blood. It also works as an antioxidant. It also plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from various allergies. It also helps to control good cholesterol without increasing bad cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, this vitamin is very necessary for the human body. There are two types of vitamins - water soluble and fat soluble. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin B1, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. But vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It should be included in regular daily diet. How much does the body need? According to people, its needs are different. Its requirement depends on the age. Infants to adolescents require 4 milligrams to 11 milligrams daily, while adults require 10 to 15 milligrams of the vitamin daily. Similarly, pregnant women need 5-6 milligrams more than normal people daily. An average of 20 to 30 milligrams is required.

Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper?

 Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper? It has become easier for parents since diapers started coming in the market. After wearing a diaper, the child gets relief from the trouble of making stools and urine. It has become easier to put the baby to sleep and take it outside with diapers on. That is why it has become mandatory to wear diapers to the baby these days. The use of diapers is correct to a certain extent, but its excessive use can be harmful. According to a study by Times Up India, earlier, a chemical called 'Falit' was found in baby diapers. The chemical was found to increase the risk of metabolic disorders, diabetes, liver disorders and even cancer by coming into contact with the skin. Recently, many types of diapers are available in the market. You should choose a diaper for your baby that uses less chemicals and plastic. Using diapers can cause these problems for the baby Diapers are made of chemicals and synthetic materials. Many parents put their baby in

To reduce cholesterol, drink this special drink made of Dabh lemon and cucumber, know how to make it

 To reduce cholesterol, drink this special drink made of Dabh lemon and cucumber, know how to make it Increased cholesterol increases the risk of heart diseases. Let us know the benefits of drinking Dabh lemon and cucumber water to reduce cholesterol. Healthy Drink To Reduce Cholesterol- There are two types of cholesterol in our body, good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is very important for our body, while bad cholesterol is considered harmful to our health, as it can cause obesity and heart health problems. The reason for the increase in bad cholesterol in the body can be bad lifestyle, unhealthy diet and many other reasons. However, controlling your diet and consuming low-calorie foods can help reduce cholesterol in the body. Dietitian Divya Wala tells us about one such drink that can help you reduce bad cholesterol levels. How to prepare Dabh lemon and cucumber water? Ingredients- Pomelo- 1 Cucumber- 1 Ginger- 1 inch Water Method of preparation- Wash pomelo, cucu

What should be done to keep ghrelin (hunger hormone) balanced? Know from the expert

 What should be done to keep ghrelin (hunger hormone) balanced? Know from the expert Usually ghrelin hormones work to regulate hunger. Let's know from the doctor what should be done to keep ghrelin hormones balanced. Tips to Balance Ghrelin Hormone: It is very important to keep the balance of hormones in the body, if the balance of your hormones is not right, then you may have to face many health related problems. Along with sex, stress and happy hormones in the body, there are ghrelin hormones to manage hunger. Usually ghrelin hormones work to regulate hunger. There are many reasons behind its imbalance. Let's know from certified fitness coach Gunjan Taneja what should be done to keep this hormone balanced. Take a protein rich diet To keep the ghrelin hormone balanced, you should take a protein rich diet. This keeps the stomach full for a long time, due to which this hormone remains balanced. For this, you should consume eggs, lentils, lean meat, cottage cheese, milk and almon