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Breast cancer can happen to women of any age

 Breast cancer can happen to women of any age Breast cancer is a cancer that occurs in the cells of the breast. This type of cancer is now spreading rapidly in Nepal as well. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. The number of breast cancer cases has been increasing in Nepal for the past few years. Generally, breast cancer is more common in women aged 40 to 50 years. But now it is also seen in women aged 25 to 45 years. Not only that, some cases have also been seen in the age group above 20 years. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in European countries. In Asian countries, it was less visible than in Europe. But recently, the number of breast cancer is also increasing in Asian countries. According to the latest data, one out of six women has breast cancer. Reasons why cancer appears at a young age The main cause of breast cancer is genetics. But the reason why cancer appears at a young age is the change in our lifestyle and diet. For some years we have adopted a weste

These 7 signs are seen when hormones are imbalanced in women, know about them

 These 7 signs are seen when hormones are imbalanced in women, know about them Hormones Imbalance In Women: When hormones are imbalanced in women, the effect is seen in the whole body. Know what symptoms are seen in women in such a situation. How To Fix Hormone Imbalances: To stay healthy and fit, it is also important to have balanced hormones. If your hormones are not balanced, then you will start falling prey to diseases. In such a situation, there can be a difference in your weight. Along with this, problems like fatigue and weakness can also occur throughout the day. What can be the reasons for hormones being unbalanced. Taking too much stress is considered to be the main reason for this. At the same time, poor eating habits and lifestyle can also cause this. Cases of hormonal imbalance are more common in women. In such a situation, many symptoms are seen in the body of women. It is very important to pay attention to them from the beginning. These signs are often related to the pro