Telegram Telegram! It's a cloud-based instant messaging app known for its speed, security, and versatility. Telegram offers features like: 1. **Chat and Messaging**: - Text messages, voice messages, and video messages. - End-to-end encrypted "Secret Chats." 2. **Media and File Sharing**: - Share files of up to 2GB in size (as of the latest updates). - Support for photos, videos, documents, and more. 3. **Groups and Channels**: - **Groups**: Can host up to 200,000 members, making them great for communities or team collaborations. - **Channels**: For broadcasting messages to an unlimited audience. 4. **Customization**: - Themes, stickers, and animated emojis. - Bots that automate tasks, games, and more. 5. **Cross-Platform Accessibility**: - Apps for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, and web browsers. 6. **Advanced Features**: - Voic...
Benefits and harms of dieting Never do dieting without consulting an expert, and keep in mind that dieting is not about being hungry. Whenever a person thinks about dieting, the first question that comes to his mind is whether dieting is good for health or there are any disadvantages. Will it have any side effects on our health or will it only have a temporary effect, as many questions remain in our minds.