Telegram Telegram! It's a cloud-based instant messaging app known for its speed, security, and versatility. Telegram offers features like: 1. **Chat and Messaging**: - Text messages, voice messages, and video messages. - End-to-end encrypted "Secret Chats." 2. **Media and File Sharing**: - Share files of up to 2GB in size (as of the latest updates). - Support for photos, videos, documents, and more. 3. **Groups and Channels**: - **Groups**: Can host up to 200,000 members, making them great for communities or team collaborations. - **Channels**: For broadcasting messages to an unlimited audience. 4. **Customization**: - Themes, stickers, and animated emojis. - Bots that automate tasks, games, and more. 5. **Cross-Platform Accessibility**: - Apps for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, and web browsers. 6. **Advanced Features**: - Voic...
How do you know if a market banana is poisonous or not? Banana is an evergreen fruit that is rich in nutrients. Bananas are rich in iron, calcium and vitamins. But sometimes bananas can prove to be harmful to health. Bananas can be harmful to health if chemicals and pesticides are used in it. Therefore, it is important for consumers to know something about bananas available in the market. What types of bananas are available in the market? Malbhog banana, Chini Champa, Dhusre, Mungre etc. are the most popular and available in the market. Among these different varieties of bananas, Malbhog bananas are preferred by many. Although local production can meet the demand in the Nepali market, bananas are imported in large quantities in India as well. Do bananas ripen on the plant or are they cooked? Banana is a 'climacteric fruit' i.e. a fruit that ripens even after being picked from the plant. But bananas also ripen on the plant. Ethylene is a hormone that is naturally produced in fru...