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Why and when to vaccinate a child?

What happens when someone else's physical appearance is ridiculed?

What happens when someone else's physical appearance is ridiculed? Making wrong comments about a person's height, thickness, beauty, age or anything else is called 'body shaming'. Such comments can also be about a person's age, hair, clothes and attractiveness.

How much fat does the body need? | What is found in cow's milk?

How much fat does the body need? Many people worry about reducing body fat. Many people think that fat is harmful for the body. While fat is one of the most important nutrients in the body. So what does fat do in the body? How does it work? How much fat is necessary for the body? What is its source?

What happens when you drink energy drinks? | 6 difficulties faced by vegetarians

What happens when you drink energy drinks? In general, energy drink is a drink that provides energy. That's why people consume energy drinks to get rid of fatigue or increase energy in the body. It is especially popular among the youth.

Who is father of quantum physics? | How does quantum affect the brain?

Who is father of quantum physics? The father of quantum physics is Max Planck. He was a German physicist who made a groundbreaking contribution to the field of physics by introducing the concept of quantization of energy. In 1900, Planck proposed that energy is not continuous but is instead emitted and absorbed in discrete packets, or quanta. This idea was a radical departure from classical physics and laid the foundation for the development of quantum mechanics.

What is the biggest problem in quantum physics? | What did Einstein say about quantum physics?

What is the biggest problem in quantum physics? The biggest problem in quantum physics is the interpretation of its findings and theories. While the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics is well-established and successful in explaining a wide range of experimental results, there is still no consensus on how to interpret these results and what they tell us about the nature of reality.

Benefits and harms of dieting

Benefits and harms of dieting Never do dieting without consulting an expert, and keep in mind that dieting is not about being hungry. Whenever a person thinks about dieting, the first question that comes to his mind is whether dieting is good for health or there are any disadvantages. Will it have any side effects on our health or will it only have a temporary effect, as many questions remain in our minds.

The right way and rules to do gym

The right way and rules to do gym In today's time, there is a problem that is seen in every fourth person, that is being overweight, the only real cure for which is physical exertion. No matter how many prescriptions you take, what you use in many ways, but the most effective use is exercise This exercise can be in any form either morning walk, yoga, pranayama or weight training. Whichever of these is right for you and you can achieve your dream of losing weight by adopting it regularly.